history of bangladesh

Ancient age
Gangaridai in Ptolemy's map
Ancient Somapura, a UNESCO Apple Heritage Site

Remnants of acculturation in the greater Bengal arena date aback four thousand years to back the arena was acclimatized by age-old Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman and Austroasiatic peoples. The exact agent of the chat "Bangla" or "Bengal" is unclear, admitting it is believed to be acquired from Bang/Vanga, the Dravidian-speaking association that acclimatized in the breadth about the year 1000 BCE.[14][15]

The arena was accepted to the age-old Greek and Roman apple as Gangaridai, acceptation "Nation of Ganges". Admitting still abundantly unclear, the aboriginal history of Bengal featured a assumption of burghal states, amphibian kingdoms and pan-Indian empires, as able-bodied as a altercate amid Hinduism and Buddhism for dominance. The age-old political units of the arena consisted of Vanga, Samatata, Harikela and Pundravardhana. The Mauryan Authority led by Ashoka baffled Bengal in the additional aeon BC. Afterwards the collapse of the Gupta Empire, a bounded adjudicator alleged Shashanka rose to ability and founded the absorbing Gauda kingdom. Afterwards a aeon of anarchy, the Bengali Buddhist Pala absolutism disqualified the arena for four hundred years, followed by the Hindu Sena Dynasty.
Middle age
Emperor Akbar adulatory Mughal achievement in Bengal
The Sixty Dome Mosque, allotment of the medieval Mosque Burghal of Bagerhat

Islam was alien to the Bengal arena during the 7th aeon by Arab Muslim traders and Sufi missionaries, and the consecutive Muslim acquisition of Bengal in the 12th aeon advance to the acclaim of Islam beyond the region.[16] Bakhtiar Khilji, a Turkic general, defeated Lakshman Sen of the Sena absolutism and baffled ample genitalia of Bengal in the year 1204. The arena was disqualified by the Sultanate of Bengal and the Baro-Bhuiyan accord for the abutting few hundred years. By the 16th century, the Mughal Authority controlled Bengal, and Dhaka became an important bigoted centre of Mughal administration.

Medieval European geographers amid paradise at the aperture of the Ganges, and although this was overhopeful, Bengal was apparently the wealthiest allotment of the subcontinent until the 16th century. From 1517 onwards, Portuguese traders from Goa were traversing the sea avenue to Bengal. Only in 1537 were they accustomed to achieve and accessible community houses at Chittagong. In 1577, the Mughal emperor Akbar acceptable the Portuguese to body abiding settlements and churches in Bengal.[17] The access of European traders grew until the British East India Aggregation acquired ascendancy of Bengal afterward the Battle of Plassey in 1757.[18] The blood-soaked apostasy of 1857—known as the Sepoy Mutiny—resulted in a alteration of ascendancy to the acme with a British agent active the administration.[19] During colonial rule, dearth racked South Asia abounding times, including the war-induced Great Bengal dearth of 1943 that claimed 3 actor lives.[20]

The Maratha Empire, a Hindu authority which overran the Mughals in the 18th century, devastated the territories controlled by the Nawab of Bengal amid 1742 and 1751. In a alternation of raids on Bengal and Bihar, afresh disqualified by the Nawab, Maratha burst abundant of the Bengali economy, which was clumsy to bear the connected aggression of Maratha for long. Nawab Ali Vardi Khan fabricated accord with Maratha by ceding the able of Orissa and genitalia of Western Bengal to the empire. In addition, a tax – the Chauth, amounting to a division of complete acquirement – was imposed on added genitalia of Bengal and Bihar. This tax amounted to twenty lakhs (of rupees?) for Bengal and 12 lakhs for Bihar per year.[21][22] Afterwards Maratha's defeat in Panipat by a affiliation of Muslim forces, the authority alternate beneath the Maratha accepted Madhoji Sindhia and raided Bengal again. The British Authority chock-full acquittal of the Chauth, advancing the area of Bengal in the 1760s. The raids connected until Maratha was assuredly defeated by the British over the advance of three Anglo-Maratha Wars abiding from 1777 to 1818.
British Age

Main aritcle: British Raj
A beach arena in rural east Bengal from the time of aggregation rule. (present-day Bangladesh)
Royal Air Force bombers during WWII in Chittagong
The alcazar of Ahsan Manzil is one of the finest barrio fabricated during the British era, it was congenital for the Nawabs of Bengal in 1859.

The ascendancy of the East India Aggregation lasted a able century. As the aggregation became richer and richer, the abundance of the Mughals and the Maratha decreased. The two empires afterwards became ailing of the company's amplification in their acreage and aggregate up all the soldiers for an insurgence adjoin the British expansions as the insubordinate sepoys adjoin the sepoys that were loyal to the East India Company. The insurgence triggered British aggressive acknowledgment and started the Indian Apostasy of 1857. Afterwards the defeat of the Mughals and The Maratha, they were both into abatement and the complete arena was afterwards anon beneath the British Acme ordered by Queen Victoria as Empress of India.

After the foundation of the British Indian empire, Bengal was still beneath abundant access beneath British architecture, art and etc. But the Indian Ability Movement was still activity on in accomplishment to abolish the British empire, abounding Bengali bodies contributed for the abuse of the British, But at the aforementioned time, as the Islamic and Hindu conflicts occurred, Bengal would be to be breach into two states.
Modern age
Female acceptance of Dhaka University boot on Language Movement Day, 1953
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, carrying the 7th of March Speech

Between 1905 and 1911, an bootless attack was fabricated to bisect the arena of Bengal into two zones.[23] Afterward the avenue of the British Authority in 1947, Bengal was abstracted forth religious lines, with the western allotment activity to anew created India and the eastern allotment (Muslim majority) abutting Pakistan as a arena alleged East Bengal (later renamed East Pakistan), with Dhaka as its capital.[24] In 1950, acreage ameliorate was able in East Bengal with the abolishment of the feudal zamindari system.[25] Despite the bread-and-butter and demographic weight of the east, Pakistan's government and aggressive were abundantly bedeviled by the high classes from the west. The Bengali Language Movement of 1952 was the aboriginal assurance of abrasion amid the two wings of Pakistan.[26] Dissatisfaction with the axial government over bread-and-butter and cultural issues connected to acceleration through the abutting decade, during which the Awami League emerged as the political articulation of the Bengali-speaking population. It agitated for freedom in the 1960s, and in 1966, its president, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Mujib), was jailed; he was appear in 1969 afterwards an aberrant accepted uprising. In 1970, a massive cyclone devastated the bank of East Pakistan, killing up to bisected a actor people,[27] and the axial government's acknowledgment was apparent as poor. The acrimony of the Bengali citizenry was circuitous back Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, whose Awami League had won a majority in Assembly in the 1970 elections,[28] was blocked from demography office.

After staging accommodation talks with Mujibur Rahman, Admiral Yahya Khan and aggressive admiral launched Operation Searchlight,[29] a abiding aggressive advance on East Pakistan, and arrested Mujibur Rahman in the aboriginal hours of 26 March 1971. Yahya's methods were acutely bloody, and the abandon of the war resulted in abounding noncombatant deaths.[30] Yahya's arch targets included intellectuals and Hindus, and about one actor refugees fled to neighbouring India.[31] Estimates of those massacred throughout the war ambit from thirty thousand to three million.[32] Mujibur Rahman was ultimately appear on 8 January 1972 as a aftereffect of complete US intervention.[33]

Awami League leaders set up a government-in-exile in Calcutta, India. The banishment government formally took adjuration at Meherpur, in the Kustia commune of East Pakistan, on 17 April 1971, with Tajuddin Ahmad as the aboriginal Prime Minister and Syed Nazrul Islam as the Acting President. The Bangladesh Liberation War lasted for nine months. A attrition force accepted as the Mukti Bahini was formed from the Bangladesh Armament (consisting of Bengali approved forces) in accord with noncombatant fighters such as the Kader Bahini and the Hemayet Bahini. Led by Accepted M. A. G. Osmani, the Bangladesh Armament were organized into eleven sectors and, as allotment of Mukti Bahini, conducted a massive guerrilla war adjoin the Pakistan Forces. The war witnessed the 1971 Bangladesh genocide, in which the Pakistan Army and its affiliated religious militias agitated out a wide-scale, analytical abolishment of Bengali civilians, intellectuals, youth, students, politicians, activists and religious minorities. By winter, Bangladesh-India Affiliated Armament defeated the Pakistani army, culminating in the Liberation of Dhaka and the Surrender of Pakistan on 16 December 1971.
Post independence
General Ziaur Rahman affected the country's administration afterwards the assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Accord Prize in 2006

After independence, the Constitution of Bangladesh proclaimed a civilian aldermanic democracy. In the 1973 accepted election, the Awami League acquired an complete majority in parliament. A civic dearth occurred during 1973 and 1974,[20] and in aboriginal 1975, Mujib accomplished a absolutism left-wing aphorism with his anew formed BAKSAL. On 15 August 1975, Mujib and best of his ancestors associates were assassinated by mid-level aggressive officers.[34] Vice Admiral Khandaker Mushtaq Ahmed was affidavit in as Admiral with best of Mujib's chiffonier intact. Two Army uprisings on 3 November and 7 November 1975 led to a reorganised anatomy of power. A accompaniment of emergency was declared to restore adjustment and calm. Mushtaq resigned, and the country was placed beneath acting aggressive law, with three account chiefs confined as assembly to the new president, Justice Abu Satem, who additionally became the Arch Aggressive Law Administrator. Lieutenant Accepted Ziaur Rahman took over the admiral in 1977 back Justice Sayem resigned. Admiral Zia reinstated multi-party politics, alien chargeless markets, and founded the Bangladesh Nationalist Affair (BNP). Zia's aphorism concluded back he was assassinated by elements of the aggressive in 1981.[34]

Bangladesh's abutting above adjudicator was Lieutenant Accepted Hossain Mohammad Ershad, who acquired ability in a accomplishment on 24 March 1982, and disqualified until 6 December 1990, back he was affected to abandon afterwards a defection of all above political parties and the public, forth with burden from Western donors (which was a above about-face in all-embracing action afterwards the abatement of the Soviet Union). Since then, Bangladesh has changed to a aldermanic democracy. Zia's widow, Khaleda Zia, led the Bangladesh Nationalist Affair to aldermanic achievement at the accepted acclamation in 1991 and became the aboriginal changeable Prime Minister in Bangladeshi history. However, the Awami League, headed by Sheikh Hasina, one of Mujib's actual daughters, won the abutting acclamation in 1996. The Awami League absent afresh to the Bangladesh Nationalist Affair in 2001.

Widespread political agitation followed the abandonment of the BNP in backward October 2006, but the babysitter government formed to accompany the parties to acclamation aural the appropriate ninety days. At the aftermost minute in aboriginal January, the Awami League withdrew from the acclamation appointed for afterwards that month. On 11 January 2007, the aggressive intervened to abutment both a accompaniment of emergency and a continuing but aloof babysitter government beneath a anew appointed Arch Advisor, who was not a politician. The country had suffered for decades from all-encompassing corruption,[35] disorder, and political violence. The babysitter government formed to basis out bribery from all levels of government. It arrested on bribery accuse added than 160 people, including politicians, civilian servants, and businessmen, amid whom were both above affair leaders, some of their chief staff, and two sons of Khaleda Zia.

After alive to apple-pie up the system, the babysitter government captivated what was declared by assemblage as a abundantly chargeless and fair acclamation on 29 December 2008.[36] The Awami League's Sheikh Hasina won with a two-thirds barrage in the elections; she took the adjuration of Prime Minister on 6 January 2009.[37]

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